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EmojiEmojiEmoji**NEW POST **Residential Care/Education Opportunities  CQC/OFSTED **EmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji
  • New challenges lie ahead. All conversations are confidential.
  • Let us discuss exactly what you are looking for salary hours support progressions expectations etc..
  • I look forward to assisting you on your new journey either call me 07789225501 or
  • send me Emojia note and your CV to mick.hull@fieldviewcarerecruitment.co.uk
  • Our latest new exciting roles
  • Operations Manager CQC Care Homes in the region of Cornwall £55k

EmojiEmojiPlease contact me if you are looking for somewhere that is not on this list.EmojiEmoji
EmojiEmojiI have many more great opportunities including RSW SSW Responsible Individuals based in Midlands or LondonEmojiEmoji
EmojiEmojiCheck out www.fieldviewcare.co.uk  EmojiEmoji
EmojiEmojiFor more information Contact Mick Hull Fieldview Care Recruitment Solutions 07789225501  EmojiEmoji                                 
EmojiEmojiOr send your CV to mick.hull@fieldviewcarerecruitmentsolutions.co.ukEmojiEmoji