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Investing in recruitment specialists makes sense
It makes sense in business for owners to save time to work on their business instead of working constantly in their business.
Statistics shows short, medium and long term working on your business will make you money.
How do you save time? How can you get ahead?
Take a read from the British Chambers of Commerce
NOW is the time you absolutely need to partner up with a specialist recruitment partner and this is why. 👇

As the latest Business Barometer Report (June 2023) shows in their analysis of the UK skills landscape, the vast majority of organisations across the UK (73% in fact) continue to report skills shortages.

These shortages are having a significant impact on both existing staff and the ability of the organisations to operate and grow (46% reported reduced activity or output and 39% reported decreased staff morale or wellbeing).

“A lack of talent is already impacting severely on profitability and staff morale – with many firms turning away new business opportunities. A failure to act now could jeopardise jobs, livelihoods and the UK’s competitiveness.”

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce

The recruitment agency world, consultants by name and by nature, are collaborating with UK organisations right now to help them navigate through these skills shortages.

They are advising about talent as much as they are supplying that talent.

They are building robust EVP and attraction campaigns, that really work.

They are enabling you to access multiple pools of (often hidden) talent.

They are giving you a competitive advantage by being able to be first in line for the best talent on the market.

42% of organisations say they have been prevented from filling roles due to lack of applicants – those 42% should reach out now and partner with a recruitment specialist before it is too late.

What are your thoughts?